
Demo Imps & Dreadstalkers Timers - Malacat version.

2025-01-10 / 0 评论 / 0 点赞 / 33 阅读
Updated to 11.1 PTR - Re-added Dreadstalkers and added Greater Dreadstalkers Tracking. This Weak Aura have been originally made by Kirin from Area52, since then many changes have been made to how Wild Imps work, this is my attempt to keeping this wonderfull aura alive. I have updated most of the aspects to how the behavior in-game is, Hand of Guldan Wild Imps should have a out of combat duration of 40 seconds, Inner Demon ones 20s, both have 6 casts of fel firebolt. I have decided to re-add Dreadstalkers to this bar due to the existence of 11.1 Tierset, in the same line the weak aura is also able to track Greater Dreadstalkers now. It is possible to change what you want to Display in the bar by changing the "Show = True" to "Show = False" sections for each pet in the Custom Trigger section, avoid changing other options, some of those are spaguetti-code i made to work a function or other. Once again, i provide this Weak-Aura "as is", my knowledge of of coding is incredibly limited and so i can't gurantee adding custom functions or anything very fancy to it. Finally, i want to say my Thanks to Kirin-Area52 for having originally made this Weak Aura.
Updated to 11.1 PTR - Re-added Dreadstalkers and added Greater Dreadstalkers Tracking. This Weak Aura have been originally made by Kirin from Area52, since then many changes have been made to how Wild Imps work, this is my attempt to keeping this wonderfull aura alive. I have updated most of the aspects to how the behavior in-game is, Hand of Guldan Wild Imps should have a out of combat duration of 40 seconds, Inner Demon ones 20s, both have 6 casts of fel firebolt. I have decided to re-add Dreadstalkers to this bar due to the existence of 11.1 Tierset, in the same line the weak aura is also able to track Greater Dreadstalkers now. It is possible to change what you want to Display in the bar by changing the "Show = True" to "Show = False" sections for each pet in the Custom Trigger section, avoid changing other options, some of those are spaguetti-code i made to work a function or other. Once again, i provide this Weak-Aura "as is", my knowledge of of coding is incredibly limited and so i can't gurantee adding custom functions or anything very fancy to it. Finally, i want to say my Thanks to Kirin-Area52 for having originally made this Weak Aura.

自动创建于:2025-01-10 10:07:58
