
Shaman - Enhancement

2025-01-09 / 0 评论 / 0 点赞 / 44 阅读
Simple Enhancement Shaman WA, the goal is to have the least number of things to look at and make the rotation smoother and more natural. Text color: cooldown/passive stacks, usable stacks, buff/debuff timer. - Stacks "to tempest". - Crash Lightning refresh reminder on cleave/AoE. - Feral Spirit count and remaining time for first active summoned wolf. - EB (Elemental Blast) glows with 4 wolves active. - Sundering glows with ST (Surging Totem) and LotFW (Legacy of the Frost Witch) buff active. - LB/CL text on top of the Reactive group refers to Thorim's Invocation. - The Reminder group contains the Ovinax's trinket, i usually move trinkets there. If you don't use it delete or modify according to yours. - Missing food/flask warning (flask icon aestethics: if you have a preferred one change Icon Source ID). Suggestions are always welcome. Planning to work on more classes/specs. Elemental Shaman Retribution Paladin Balance Druid

自动更新于:2025-01-09 02:08:10
