This is a beta testing version (for ptr/beta builds purposes) of this wa pack:
To change the sound used for the "end of crackshot window" alert go to RogueCore > RogueC_MainBuff > conditions, its the very last one condition.
This wa uses a number of custom options as seen in the last screen, the 3 main bars (energy/cp/mainBuff) are all resized trough the same custom option to make it easier.
Some things are disabled by default like Alacrity, Dispatcher, Lingering Shadow, feel free to use the search bar at the top of the wa addon to look for and enable them if desired.
There is 4 sounds triggers, one when you gain opp procs (some sort of reload sound), one when a target can be soothed and shiv is ready (mew sound), a sound that triggers when you cant fit another gcd at the end of your crackshot window (brass sound) and finnaly a sound when you get cp refunds for sub (ace proc sound kekw)
I'm using some externals textures, sounds and fonts, so if you want the exact same look:
- Icons are slightly reskined with HD ones: kodewdle iconPacks (I'm using the dark icons)
- Bars are using a texture called d1 (paste it in the statusbar folder)
- Texts are using the Expressway font
- Sound used for the shadowcraft/Ace reset sound
- Shirofune for the Shadow techniques tracker:
- Fuu for the target count tracker:
- Thanks to imphamous for helping with updating the cp bar for dragonflight when I had no beta access yet
自动更新于:2024-07-28 06:13:00