Yoinked a bunch of custom code from this weak aura so you should check this out at as well if you prefer the bar style: https://wago.io/elementalspirits
What this weak aura will show/do :
- Active wolf amount
- Individual wolf element counters
- Plays a TTS when your wolves is off CD ( i need this because i'm bad :) )
- Plays a lightning crackle when you have 4 overlapping wolves and have EB talented
- Shows the duration of your current overlap when at 4+ active wolves
- Each of these can be disabled/enabled in custom options
Yoinked a bunch of custom code from this weak aura so you should check this out at as well if you prefer the bar style: https://wago.io/elementalspirits
What this weak aura will show/do :
- Active wolf amount
- Individual wolf element counters
- Plays a TTS when your wolves is off CD ( i need this because i'm bad :) )
- Plays a lightning crackle when you have 4 overlapping wolves and have EB talented
- Shows the duration of your current overlap when at 4+ active wolves
- Each of these can be disabled/enabled in custom options
自动创建于:2024-10-23 09:41:41