This is a custom version from Luxthos weakauras.
First 11.0.5 changes:
-BTE glows "outside of Crackshot only if you have Ruthless Precision or if BTE buff is running out (~4 sec left) (~1% dps)" (Ravenholdt pins)
-RTB Logic hardcoded for: "Still roll at 0 buffs, or at 1 buff with Loaded Dice up, but also (new) at 2 buffs if you don't have either Ruthless Precision, Broadside or True Bearing and have Loaded Dice (~1% dps)" (Ravenholdt pins)
-Slice and Dice: deleted glow and sound queue for SnD
integrated the Keep It Rolling weakura from Binded:
main function: KIR glows if 4+ rtb buffs are active
really quick fix, haven't tested it a lot
-changes to group scale, icon spacing, icon size, fonts
-changed "utilitiy icons" to "show on cooldown" in custom options
-utilizing side bars again (alpha 30% out of combat)
-added both trinkets on left side bar
-roll the bones:
-buffs changed to buff duration info instead of description (custom options)
-plays sound and glow when to reroll (reroll logic from a friend of mine "Taukuno" - also
known as the developer of the "Plundi" app :)
-also takes in consideration early rerolls before going into stealth window
-slice and dice:
-plays sound (acoustic guitar) if duration is 11 seconds or below
-added buff uptime timer on top of icon
-deleted % display of swift slahser
-ghostly strike:
-glows for use on cooldown
-blade flurry:
-glows when off CD, on 2+ targets if buff not active, on 5+ targets to build cp
-between the eyes:
-glows when off CD, 5+ CP in subterfuge/stealth/vanish window, 6+ CP out of
subterfuge/stealth/vanish window (when vanish remaining cooldown is 45+ seconds)
-adrenaline rush:
-glows when in subterfuge window and when off CD for CP generation in stealth windows
-thinking about turning off some dynamic buffs for less clutter (subterfuge redundant because of existing bar, BTE buff kind of irrelevant - should be up all the time anyway)
-subterfuge window bar was already implemented horizontally by Luxthos, maybe gonna add vertical bar again on the left side like in the DF version
-small icon positioning adjustments
-created extra side bars for sub, because this spec got so many buttons
-maybe activating health bar for more rectangular look
-more to come
-small icon positioning adjustments
-maybe activating health bar for more rectangular look
-more to come
自动更新于:2024-11-08 05:41:16