Tracks and displays boss power/energy values to inform about upcoming mechanics, intermissions, and phase transitions for the season 1 raid and m+ dungeon bosses that have them. This WA is not meant to replace Bigwigs/DBM timers in any way.
If you want to change what percentage ranges the individual auras display at, simply go to Trigger -> Trigger 1: Power, and change the values there.
For the Ulgrax power pie, I've attempted to bake in a tracker for remaining feedings Ready to Feed, with the help of ChatGPT. If it doesn't work, I'll try and update it asap. If any Weakaura geniuses have a better idea for it, feel free to comment here or dm me on Discord. Same goes for any other feedback or ideas.
Discord: aescend
Tracks and displays boss power/energy values to inform about upcoming mechanics, intermissions, and phase transitions for the season 1 raid and m+ dungeon bosses that have them. This WA is not meant to replace Bigwigs/DBM timers in any way.
If you want to change what percentage ranges the individual auras display at, simply go to Trigger -> Trigger 1: Power, and change the values there.
For the Ulgrax power pie, I've attempted to bake in a tracker for remaining feedings Ready to Feed, with the help of ChatGPT. If it doesn't work, I'll try and update it asap. If any Weakaura geniuses have a better idea for it, feel free to comment here or dm me on Discord. Same goes for any other feedback or ideas.
Discord: aescend
自动创建于:2024-08-31 09:41:15