Aura suite for MM and BM hunters. Updated for War Within (TWW).
Suggestions welcome ! You can reach me on the Weakauras discord ( ) with @Khakhan or Subutai#2872 DM.
If you don't want to use any one of the parts, Rotation / CDs / Focus Bar / Utility. Highlight the group, then go to 'Load' tab and select 'Never'.
Download links for separate parts
The red tick mark on the Focus bar is a visual indicator for how much focus an Aimed Shot or Kill Command takes.
This uses an edited version of Asakawa's Frenzy buff tracker.
Macros for both MM & BM
#showtooltip Multi-Shot
/targetenemy [noexists][help][dead]
/cast [harm,nochanneling:Rapid Fire] Multi-Shot
Kill Shot. Mouseover and regular cast
#showtooltip Kill Shot
/targetenemy [noexists][help][dead]
/cast [@mouseover, harm, nodead, nochanneling:Rapid Fire] [nochanneling:Rapid Fire] Kill Shot
Marks macros
Aimed Shot. Spammable with Rapid Fire. Use similar for Arcane Shot & Steady Shot
/targetenemy [noexists][help][dead]
/cast [nochanneling:Rapid Fire] Aimed Shot
/startattack [combat]
BM macros
Barbed Shot. Mouseover and regular cast. Use similar ones for cobra shot and kill command.
#showtooltip Barbed Shot
/targetenemy [noexists][help][dead]
/cast [@mouseover,exists,nodead,harm] [] Barbed Shot
Pet Heal or Revive
/cast [@pet,dead][nopet]Revive Pet; Mend Pet
Legacy Discussion
TWW update v2 - Updated everything for this expansion. Let me know, for ideas or noticing something missing.
War Within update v1
自动更新于:2024-10-25 17:41:12