If Colour is Blue you Arcane Blast.
If Colour is Green you Arcane Barrage.
If Colour is Yellow you Queue Barrage during your current Arcane Blast.
The Weakaura will turn Green IF -
You have Intuition and Nether Precision
You have Intuition and no Clearcasting AND one of the following
- Target is < 35% Health
- You have < 70% Mana
You have 2x Aethervision and Nether Precision
You have 2x Aethervision and no Clearcasting AND one of the following
- Target is < 35% Health
- You have < 70% Mana
Your Arcane Tempo has < 1.5 Seconds left.
Your Arcane Orb cooldown is up AND none of the following
- You no have Clearcasting or Nether Precision
The Weakaura will turn Yellow IF -
You are casting Arcane Blast AND any of the following
- 1x Aethervision AND > 1 Nether Precision Stacks
- 1x Aethervision AND < 70% Mana AND NO Clearcasting
- 1x Aethervision AND < 35% Health AND NO Clearcasting
This is based off Phosphoros Nether Precision Tracker with the added Colour changing depending on if needing to barrage.
Notes -
- This currently only has single target conditions and I may update it in the future to also support AOE
<This is a personal weakaura that I use and this is for archiving but feel free to use>
自动更新于:2024-10-28 01:41:23