
Lost's Prescience Smart Auto Glow [Raid/M+]

2024-09-17 / 0 评论 / 1 点赞 / 67 阅读

Augmentation Evoker Prescience Smart Auto Glow

This weakaura is designed to help you with Prescience and Blistering Scales. This WA can be paired with my Cell profile for raid/party frames. If you use Cell Spotlight, please scroll to the bottom of this description page and check on how to have weakauras detect Cell Spotlight.

Cell Profile: Lost's Augmentation Evoker Cell Profile [Raid/M+]

Aug WAs: Lost's Augmentation Evoker Auras

To Do: Add a Progression/Predictive Mode to predict 30+ seconds into the future to determine the best Prescience targets for your next Ebon Might.

Raid Usage

You will be able to choose between a weakaura that checks the top dps from Details and smart glows the best Prescience targets or a weakaura to use your personal note in MRT. While loading the personal note weakaura, it will glow targets from your personal note at certain times of the fight (you set the time in the personal note/spreadsheet).

If you want to save a lot of time, simply use the Top Dps weakaura for raid and not the personal note weakaura.

Make sure to check out the Top DPS weakaura's Custom Options.

Side note: the Top Dps weakaura will also glow a player to Verdant Embrace to and then use Ebon Might. This glow is only triggered when you have Verdant Embrace and Ebon Might available to cast.

M+ Usage

The weakaura will auto glow the next person(s) you should put Prescience on. This will relieve some of the cognitive load that is required for M+. Additionally, this weakaura will auto glow the tank to put Blistering Scales on, if your Blistering Scales is on CD.

Auto Glows

These glows are to help you think less while in raid and m+. Auto glowing the tank when Blistering Scales is up will improve your healing output.

Timer/Spreadsheet Raid Frame Glow

Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UU3bj8PjKMy-hPEt8FaS0VocH84HTSfTKbgEjFi5ziE/edit?usp=sharing

Copy the above spreadsheet and use it to create your Prescience timers for raid.

You can use https://wowanalyzer.com/ to help you get some of the timings. I edited wowanalyzer locally and edited the timings, plus made it able to export the buff list so I can just paste it into the spreadsheet. If you understand some Front-end dev stuff, I suggest you do that as well, makes it way easier to use the spreadsheet.

How to make it work with Cell Spotlight

Long story short, the Weakauras addon itself does not support Cell Spotlight (as of 9/14/2024). Cell and Cell Spotlight are two seperate raid frames within one addon. Weakauras only accounts for Cell. To add Cell Spotlight please see below.

Important note

If you are wanting to use Cell Spotlight you have to have everyone that can be a target for Prescience on Cell Spotlight, since the Weakauras addon counts it as two seperate raid frames, it will either glow Cell Spotlight or Cell, not both.

Example: If you have Player X in Cell Spotlight and the weakaura wants to glow Player Y, but they are not in Cell Spotlight, Player Y will not glow. On the other hand, if you have Player X and Player Y in Cell Spotlight, it will glow Player Y. If you do not use Cell Spotlight, it will glow Player Y, since Cell is its own raid frame.

Instructions on how to add Cell Spotlight

Navigate to your Warcraft_retail_ Addons folder and open the LibGetFrame-1.0.lua file, see below for the path.

Warcraft_retail_\Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibGetFrame-1.0\LibGetFrame-1.0.lua" file.

Once you have that open in Notepad++ or a code editor, navigate to "local defaultFramePriorities = {..." section and there is a list of raid frame addons. Cell is listed, but you need to add in Cell's Spotlight frames to the list. In the list add

"^Cell-Spotlight", -- Cell Spotlight 

on it's own line. I would place it right under "-- raid frames" then it will load the spotlight first.

自动更新于:2024-09-17 09:41:38
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