Notifies raiders about web vortex assignments.
Web vortex's choose who players are linked with based on proximity (Whose closest). The objective of this strategy is to create 5 pairs inside each group (red / blue). You want each pair to consist of a left and a right player.
Players will stack in their assigned spots before the pull, and once pulled go either left or right to snap
Example ERT NOTE:
LeftPlayer1 RightPlayer2
LeftPlayer3 RightPlayer4
LeftPlayer5 RightPlayer6
LeftPlayer7 RightPlayer8
LeftPlayer9 RightPlayer10
LeftPlayer11 RightPlayer12
LeftPlayer13 RightPlayer14
LeftPlayer15 RightPlayer16
LeftPlayer17 RightPlayer18
LeftPlayer19 RightPlayer20
ERT Meanings
Line 1 = Top Left
Line 2 = Top Middle
Line 3 = Top Right
Line 4 = Bottom Left
Line 5 = Bottom Right
Notifies raiders about web vortex assignments.
Web vortex's choose who players are linked with based on proximity (Whose closest). The objective of this strategy is to create 5 pairs inside each group (red / blue). You want each pair to consist of a left and a right player.
Players will stack in their assigned spots before the pull, and once pulled go either left or right to snap
Example ERT NOTE:
LeftPlayer1 RightPlayer2
LeftPlayer3 RightPlayer4
LeftPlayer5 RightPlayer6
LeftPlayer7 RightPlayer8
LeftPlayer9 RightPlayer10
LeftPlayer11 RightPlayer12
LeftPlayer13 RightPlayer14
LeftPlayer15 RightPlayer16
LeftPlayer17 RightPlayer18
LeftPlayer19 RightPlayer20
ERT Meanings
Line 1 = Top Left
Line 2 = Top Middle
Line 3 = Top Right
Line 4 = Bottom Left
Line 5 = Bottom Right
自动创建于:2025-01-01 18:08:16