About this import:
Automatically links your keystone if people write !keys in chat
Option for party and guild chat (only party enabled by default)
Option for spam protection (enabled by default)
You can check out my options in /wa -> Custom Options
This is a simple way to disable/enable party/guild chat usage
Do not comment on my wago imports. I will not read them and you will not get a reply.
Discord is better to consolidate questions and comment on changes.
The LuckyoneUI plugin:
The best way to set up your initial ElvUI layouts and add custom profiles to a lot of AddOns
can be downloaded on CurseForge and Wago Addons. For more information check my Website
Join the Discord community:
The Luckyone community Discord server with 4000+ members
is very active about UI and WeakAuras development and a great place for resources
Make sure to read through the server guide before posting in the correct channels
How to support the work:
Please consider supporting me on Patreon
You can also help me out with a one-time Donation
Social media and live content:
Another great and free way to show some love is to drop me a follow on my socials
such as Twitter about ElvUI and general development insights and YouTube for Mythic firstkill recordings
My most active social is Twitch playing Evoker and Druid for you to see the current state of the UI live
Wago search Tags:
Luckyone LuckyoneUI ElvUI ElvUI_LuckyoneUI
自动更新于:2024-07-28 06:12:25