
Broodtwister Fixate and Infest

2024-11-02 / 0 评论 / 0 点赞 / 12 阅读
Lightweight WeakAura that displays instructions and plays sound notifications during the Broodtwister Ovi'nax encounter when targeted by Blood Parasite's [Fixate] and when afflicted by their [Infest] debuff. No custom code; just a simple notification using default WeakAuras settings. To change the... • Font: Click on the 'Broodtwister Fixate and Infest' group, click the 'Display' tab, scroll down and expand Text 1 and Text 2, then use the Font dropdown menu on each one to customize your font. • Bar Texture: Click on the 'Broodtwister Fixate and Infest' group, click the 'Display' tab, use the 'Bar Texture' dropdown menu to customize your bars. • Size: Click on the 'Broodtwister Fixate and Infest' group and adjust the 'Group Scale' slider under the 'Group' tab. • Sound: Expand the 'Broodtwister Fixate and Infest' group, click on the notification you want to change (either 'Brood Fixate' or 'Brood Infest'), click the 'Actions' tab, use the 'Sound' dropdown menu under 'On Show' to customize your sound.
Lightweight WeakAura that displays instructions and plays sound notifications during the Broodtwister Ovi'nax encounter when targeted by Blood Parasite's [Fixate] and when afflicted by their [Infest] debuff. No custom code; just a simple notification using default WeakAuras settings. To change the... • Font: Click on the 'Broodtwister Fixate and Infest' group, click the 'Display' tab, scroll down and expand Text 1 and Text 2, then use the Font dropdown menu on each one to customize your font. • Bar Texture: Click on the 'Broodtwister Fixate and Infest' group, click the 'Display' tab, use the 'Bar Texture' dropdown menu to customize your bars. • Size: Click on the 'Broodtwister Fixate and Infest' group and adjust the 'Group Scale' slider under the 'Group' tab. • Sound: Expand the 'Broodtwister Fixate and Infest' group, click on the notification you want to change (either 'Brood Fixate' or 'Brood Infest'), click the 'Actions' tab, use the 'Sound' dropdown menu under 'On Show' to customize your sound.

自动创建于:2024-11-15 13:41:20
